Thursday, June 10, 2010

Social Media as a Powerful Tool for ENGOs

If you're thinking social media is just a fad, think again.

It is currently and will continue to shape how organizations communicate with its stakeholders. People everywhere are talking about your organization right now on all sorts of places, whether it be Facebook, Twitter, blogs or forums.

What I find most exciting about the use of social media is how it can be used by ENGOs. It can be one of the most powerful tools for grassroots campaigns and to increase public awareness all over the globe.

Take the recent Greenpeace campaign against Nestle.

A shocking and very creative commercial went viral on YouTube. But not only did it increase awareness of Nestle's unsustainable harvesting practices of palm oil in rainforests, but it caused so much outcry on their Facebook fan page.

From such negative press and high pressure from the public, especially on Facebook, Nestle has agreed to step up and practice sustainable palm oil harvesting.

Way to go Greenpeace! And thanks to all of the people who proved how social media can truly change the world.

Watch the video that got the movement started:

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