Customizing your url is one of the most important search engine optimization (SEO) strategies. Whether you're signing up for your a new blog or for your website, customizing your url is simple, easy and effective. And it will help you get found faster on sites such as Google.
Did you also know that you can also customize the url of all your social media platforms? Check your Facebook profile, any of your Facebook fan pages or LinkedIn profile. Are they just a bunch of random numbers, letters and symbols?
Take 5 minutes and change these to customized urls. It not only helps SEO, but looks much more professional.
To change your Facebook profile, head into Account Settings. I suggest you update your username to the name your full name. This way, people can search and find you easier on the site.
Not want to be found? Obviously don't change this username, or perhaps change it to something irrelevant so that you're even more difficult to be found. But beware: once it's changed, there's no turning back.
Similarly, you customize your LinkedIn url by clicking on the "edit my profile button". Click the "edit" button next to your public profile. Unlike Facebook, LinkedIn allows you to update this url more than once. However, it's best to choose wisely if you're planning on handing out your linked url (for example on a business card).
For Facebook fan pages, you need at least 25 fans to be able to change your url and customize it. Check out this article for step by step directions on how to customize your Facebook fan page url.
If you've done so already, customizing your url does not take much effort. If you haven't, you might as well try it as soon as possible. They are on a first-come, first-serve basis, so don't let anyone steal your brand name, or take the name you like to go by. Especially if you have a common name.
In my case, I try to use jenschultz, but rarely is it free. Depending on the site, I've had to all my names. Hence why you'll find me as: jenniferdawnschultz.
Take a look at my custom urls on: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Slideshare and Youtube.
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