Saturday, February 13, 2010

Why YOU Should Use Slideshare

Social media is more than getting the most friends, followers or hits from others. If you are thinking it's only for posting drunk pictures of yourself or telling your mom when you got laid, you need a reality check!

Check out Slideshare. It's a free way to target professional audiences. Think LinkedIn, but for presentations and documents.

For example, Slideshare is one way for not-for-profits to communicate their crucial messages, and look more credible doing so. Check out Danielle Brigida's profile, as the Social Media Outreach coordinator for the National Wildlife Federation.

Maybe that's what I love about it the most. Slideshare is one way green information is being shared! Check out these fascinating Slideshare presentations on a few of the most imperative environmental issues we are facing today:

-climate change;

-rainforest deforestation; and

-loss of biodiversity.

There are a million other fascinating topics you can share and search for if you give Slideshare a try!

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