Sunday, April 18, 2010

My Interview with Clara Hughes

About a week ago, I had the pleasure of interviewing one of Canada's top athletes: Clara Hughes.

She is an incredibly inspiring, sweet and down-to-earth celebrity.

So many people get caught up in the celebrity world. I am not usually one of them, but I can tell you that I absolutely love discovering when celebrities use their fame and power for the greater good.

In Clara's case, she is highly active in organizations such as Right to Play and Take a Hike Foundation. She's most interested in impacting youth and these two amazing organizations are a perfect fit for Clara.

What surprised me the most about her was her green lifestyle. It's always interesting to see what kinds of things celebrities do to help protect the earth and lighten their environmental impact.

For Clara, she loves to eat organic food. As an athlete, this is incredibly important to stay healthy, but has the extra benefit of being environmentally friendly.

She also looks to other athletes to help her stay green. Kristina Groves is one of Clara's mentors and gives her tons of eco books to read and stay active. Ecoholic is one such great read(I highly recommend it too!).

Amazing enough, I will get to meet Clara in person. She'll be one of the main stage features at this year's Green Living Show being held in Toronto.

Check out my blog post that was featured this week on the Green Living Magazine website.

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