Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Custom URLs...They're not Just for Websites Anymore

Customizing your url is one of the most important search engine optimization (SEO) strategies. Whether you're signing up for your a new blog or for your website, customizing your url is simple, easy and effective. And it will help you get found faster on sites such as Google.

Did you also know that you can also customize the url of all your social media platforms? Check your Facebook profile, any of your Facebook fan pages or LinkedIn profile. Are they just a bunch of random numbers, letters and symbols?

Take 5 minutes and change these to customized urls. It not only helps SEO, but looks much more professional.

To change your Facebook profile, head into Account Settings. I suggest you update your username to the name your full name. This way, people can search and find you easier on the site.

Not want to be found? Obviously don't change this username, or perhaps change it to something irrelevant so that you're even more difficult to be found. But beware: once it's changed, there's no turning back.

Similarly, you customize your LinkedIn url by clicking on  the "edit my profile button". Click the "edit" button next to your public profile. Unlike Facebook, LinkedIn allows you to update this url more than once. However, it's best to choose wisely if you're planning on handing out your linked url (for example on a business card).

For Facebook fan pages, you need at least 25 fans to be able to change your url and customize it. Check out this article for step by step directions on how to customize your Facebook fan page url.

If you've done so already, customizing your url does not take much effort. If you haven't, you might as well try it as soon as possible.  They are on a first-come, first-serve basis, so don't let anyone steal your brand name, or take the name you like to go by. Especially if you have a common name.

In my case, I try to use jenschultz, but rarely is it free. Depending on the site, I've had to all my names. Hence why you'll find me as: jenniferdawnschultz.

Take a look at my custom urls on: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Slideshare and Youtube.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Social Media as Friendship Building

I've just picked up a copy of Power Friending: Demystifying Social Media to Grow Your Business, written by Amber Mac, renowned social media expert. And better yet, she's Canadian!

The premise of the book is that social media is really nothing to be afraid of. It's become so mainstream, and will only continue to be moreso. So if you haven't hopped on it yet....why not start now?

Not sure what it's all about? Although it does seem complicated at first, all you really need is a good attitude and a desire to experiment.

If you follow the rule of treating everyone on social media as if you would a friend, you're laughing. Be you. Be authentic. Be truthful. Once you take those first steps, it's really not that mind boggling.

It reminds me of what my mom taught me to do: treat everyone the way you want to be treated!

Social media is revolutionizing the world. We're connected like never before. Even if you may not do a lot of talking at first, there's no reason not to join the conversation.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Ga Ga for Google? Hardly These Days

Is it just me, or does it seem like Google is dropping the bar a bit?

I am finding it more and more frustrating when searching for particular items on the internet. Searching for images seems to be the most painful lately. For example, today I went searching for images for Newfoundland. No welcome to Newfoundland signs....instead I just got way too many dogs.

I know content is important, but I'm finding it's taking me too long to find the things I am searching for. I might have to switch over to the dreaded Bing.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Green Social Media

With hundreds of thousands of different social media platforms to choose from, where can you find the best of green social media?

Here are a few of the useful green social media platforms worth taking a look at:

Make me Sustainable

This social media application was created to fill the gap between how we feel about our environment and what we do about it. Whether your a business or individual, it gives you the tools to track your carbon and energy portfolio. Track your progress and receive tips on how to become environmentally conscious.

Reddit Environment
If you're familiar with social bookmarking sites, Reddit is one of the top sites. But if you're looking for green information only, check out Reddit Environment. With over 41,000 readers on the site contributing links and comments, you'll be in the loop about the top environmental stories.

Change.Org Environment
This site has over 318,000 members that allows users to take action on various topics. Sign petitions for environment-related causes with a click of a button and get up-to-date environmental news. You can also get into contact with numerous environmental writers around the world.

This site is one of the absolute best resources for green news, guides and job boards. Its boasts great ways to interact with other green-minded individuals with forums, pop quizzes and games. It also has its own iPhone application.

There's plenty of more green social media to check out. What's your favourite that you've found?

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Travelling Green with Solid Shampoos

In a few months, I am heading to Australia, Fiji and New Zealand (Yes, lucky me!). In the meantime, I am looking at good packing tips and ways to decrease the amount of stuff to bring with me. (If you have any tips or great resources, please share!)

A friend of mine who works at LUSH Cosmetics gave me a great idea on how to cut down on the weight of my toiletries when travelling.

Solid shampoos and conditioners will not only save me space in my suitcase, but they are also made without preservatives or wasteful packaging. It also lasts mush longer than traditional shampoos and conditioners, saving you money.

One of the solid shampoos I've tried is Squeaky Green. My hair gets quite oily so it's a great match. It's also a vegan product.

If you're wondering how it works, here's a good introduction video.

What are your thoughts on solid shampoos and conditioners? If you've tried them, what did you think?

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

G20 Protestors: A Few Bad Apples

In case you are living under a rock, this past weekend in Toronto was the G20 Summit. I fortunately decided to head up north of the city and am so glad I did.

As a Torontonian (and not a native one I must add, I am proudly a westerner) I was disgusted on the actions of a few bad apples.

Many videos are circulating on YouTube, but here is a taste of the criminal actions of a few bad protestors:

The destruction and media attention that arose from these actions clouded the voices and messages of the 'real' protestors. Poverty and climate change were two important issues not addressed at the G20.

Unfortunately, the peaceful protestors lost an opportunity to communicate their important messages. Why does it always seem to be that a few bad apples ruin it for the rest of us?

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Sad State of Greenwashing

After researching an article for Green Living, I've come to the sad conclusion that companies make it very difficult for us to purchase products that are truly green.

The startling statistic of 98 per cent of products have committed at least one sin of greenwashing is absolutely frightening.

But nonetheless, as consumers we need to demand that products and companies who claim to be green are in fact green. If we don't learn to avoid greenwashing, then we are allowing the true environmentally friendly products to not take full advantage in the marketplace.

How Do I Avoid Greenwashing?

I'm still a learner in this process, but one of the best resources I have come across is Ecologo.

It has an interactive site that you can actually look up products that have been certified as truly green. So, why not avoid the confusion at the grocery store? Look up your product before you go, and if it's not in the store, then demand for it.

We need to start exercising our power as consumers. You can vote for the planet every time you make the right purchase.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Social Media as a Powerful Tool for ENGOs

If you're thinking social media is just a fad, think again.

It is currently and will continue to shape how organizations communicate with its stakeholders. People everywhere are talking about your organization right now on all sorts of places, whether it be Facebook, Twitter, blogs or forums.

What I find most exciting about the use of social media is how it can be used by ENGOs. It can be one of the most powerful tools for grassroots campaigns and to increase public awareness all over the globe.

Take the recent Greenpeace campaign against Nestle.

A shocking and very creative commercial went viral on YouTube. But not only did it increase awareness of Nestle's unsustainable harvesting practices of palm oil in rainforests, but it caused so much outcry on their Facebook fan page.

From such negative press and high pressure from the public, especially on Facebook, Nestle has agreed to step up and practice sustainable palm oil harvesting.

Way to go Greenpeace! And thanks to all of the people who proved how social media can truly change the world.

Watch the video that got the movement started:

Monday, June 7, 2010

Half full or half empty?

Would I buy everything environmentally friendly if I could? You bet I would.

In a perfect world, I would be shopping at my local farmer's market every week, buying the best organic skin and beauty products and all my clothes would be made from bamboo.

This is a beautiful bamboo shirt from Sworn Virgins that I absolutely love.

But, like most people these days, my finances are strained and I am on a tight budget. This means that I unfortunately cannot buy the best environmentally friendly products always. Price point ends up as being priority number one too often.

Which begs the question, is there a point if I am not always doing the right thing? Are we not making a difference if we aren't always on our green game? In other words, is the glass half full or half empty in the green world?

This question came across my mind when recently visiting a beauty store. They do have an organic line of skin care products, which are in fact great green products. They are certified by ECOCERT, a third-party organization that certifies organic beauty products.

I unfortunately, could maybe afford one or two of these products at most. Not because they are ridiculously expensive, but because I am simply cheap!

And what about products that only have some organic ingredients. Is it better to have a product with something good, rather than nothing?

Similarly, when I go grocery shopping, I do buy some organic foods. These comprise of mostly fruits and vegetables of the skins you would actually eat (think potatoes, apples, berries, lettuce). But do I buy non-organic foods? Yes. Do I buy non-local foods? Yes. So am I being a green hypocrite?

Perhaps these are my confessions on my failings as a green twenty-something. And maybe I like to save my own confidence and tell myself,'s better to take small steps than not to do anything at all.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

In PR 2.0....

PR does not equal publicist or spin doctor.

Media relations isn't just about newspapers and reporters. It takes advantage of niche markets and utilizes blogger relations and social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.

Activists and organizations work together for mutual satisfaction.

Companies are actually seen as human beings and personal!

Companies engage and actually listen to their customers.

It's no longer a company shouting at the public, but in fact, asking them: what should we do?

It pays off to be transparent, responsible and honest. And yes, I do mean ROI!

Companies treat all stakeholders with respect and feedback. This most certainly includes employee relations!

...PR 2.0 is exactly where I want to be.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Future of HumberPR

The importance to any PR professional is network, network, network...

The 70 people in my PR program at Humber College are one of the key ways to start a great career in PR. Check us out at #HumberPR.

Over the past four months, we have had to dive into the world of social media. Although tough at first, it's opened a new world of networking.

My Key Learnings
For those just entering the PR field, or about to head off to a great PR program like the one at Humber, make sure you get on social media fast! You don't need to be on every social media platform that exists, but definitely get comfortable with it.

I am now a huge fan of Twitter. It's allowed me to search out other green individuals and follow important users who add value to the conversation. Follow me @greenjenschultz.

At the end of the day, offline is just as important as online. Planning events are important to strengthen relationships. With summer on its way, we're going to be wine tasting, rafting and playing some baseball outdoors. It's all about Work Hard, Play Hard.

Nonetheless, it's amazing what only 70 people can do. We made #Futurecamp a trending topic on April 28, 2010.

Follow some amazing PR people: @shelleyburgyone @h_farb @LaurenAramsay @jennastothers and @zacksandorkerr

Want more on #Futurecamp? Check out Pizza Friday

Sunday, April 18, 2010

My Interview with Clara Hughes

About a week ago, I had the pleasure of interviewing one of Canada's top athletes: Clara Hughes.

She is an incredibly inspiring, sweet and down-to-earth celebrity.

So many people get caught up in the celebrity world. I am not usually one of them, but I can tell you that I absolutely love discovering when celebrities use their fame and power for the greater good.

In Clara's case, she is highly active in organizations such as Right to Play and Take a Hike Foundation. She's most interested in impacting youth and these two amazing organizations are a perfect fit for Clara.

What surprised me the most about her was her green lifestyle. It's always interesting to see what kinds of things celebrities do to help protect the earth and lighten their environmental impact.

For Clara, she loves to eat organic food. As an athlete, this is incredibly important to stay healthy, but has the extra benefit of being environmentally friendly.

She also looks to other athletes to help her stay green. Kristina Groves is one of Clara's mentors and gives her tons of eco books to read and stay active. Ecoholic is one such great read(I highly recommend it too!).

Amazing enough, I will get to meet Clara in person. She'll be one of the main stage features at this year's Green Living Show being held in Toronto.

Check out my blog post that was featured this week on the Green Living Magazine website.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

From a PR Perspective: The Great Global Warming Swindle

Many people confront me and bring forth arguments to deny climate change. I recently was sent a link to the video:The Great Global Warming Swindle and of course was intrigued and watched it.

It's an interesting debate from a PR perspective. There are and always will be, firm supporters and non-supporters on both sides of the climate change debate.

Yet, films or information presented about climate change that are only one-sided, do little good to further the debate. It only increases the distance and opposition of both sides. If you want to add value, you need to present both sides fairly. Although people to decide for themselves. Allow them into the discussion process, and you will increase their buy in.

By creating a film like this one, it is actually counter-productive to the climate denier stance. To see why, take a look at the comments about this film on You Tube.

There are only two evident sides: People who are saying: "Yes! I knew climate change was a hoax!" and then those disclaiming the validity of the arguments in the film.

I for one, obviously, are on the supportive side that climate change is real. And reasonably, watching this video did not change my stance on the issue whatsoever.

But it did bring up some interesting points:

1. I completely agree that the IPCC and environmentalists have an invested interest.

But this is because EVERYONE has an invested interest of some sort. To simply argue that we don't is naive. Humans are self-interested and self-serving!

But to forget that climate change deniers also have a invested interest is also naive. Does the oil and coal industries have a monetary investment in the climate change debate? Yes. They stand to loose a ton of money if there is increasing political movement to cap any fossil fuel development.

2. To attack environmentalists and suggest we do not care about the developing world is a low-blow.

Yes, of course we are concerned about various problems arising from industrialization of the developing world. But this isn't just about greenhouse gas emissions. You think we don't like coal just because it is one of the biggest carbon dioxide emitters? It also creates smog and health problems too.

But the film tries to pull an emotional string with its viewers in that climate change supporters are hurting the development world, by telling them to only develop renewable energy.

Oh no! We are apparently telling African schools to decide between using a light, or the refrigerator. You can't have both! We're so cruel aren't we?!

Are we supposed to believe that climate change deniers care more about the developing world than climate change supporters? For example, you expect me to believe that a large oil company wanting to develop Africa's oil resources does so to alleviate it's suffering? Please. Most companies care about the bottom line: profits and shareholder value. If they happen to go beyond profit making, its usually because their stakeholders are demanding it.

Bottom line, most of us want the developed world to consume less and the developing world to develop better than we did, with less pollution, waste and health problems than we did.

3. Science that is presented as simple facts have no place in either side of the debate.

To make a claim that volcanoes for example, create more carbon dioxide emissions than human-made emissions and stopping there is too simplified.

What also is emitted from volcanoes? Particles. Did you know that when a volcano explodes, that these particles can actually block out the sun? In many instances, volcano eruptions produce a cooling effect.

My purpose is to not to discuss the details of volcanoes, but to simply point out: The science behind climate change is complicated.

There are numerous factors to consider. And to take only a few arguments in isolation without consideration of the bigger picture is simply not credible. Apply this to both sides of the debate. People taking everything at face value in An Inconvenient Truth without looking at it from a critical view point is also wrong.

My support of science of climate change did not arise from watching one video or picking up one book. In fact, I consider myself well educated in the area. I have looked at numerous journals, completed several courses about Climate Change and read several books from both sides. In no way I am claiming to be an expert on the matter, but I have at the very least support my view by seeking both sides of the debate.

4. The purpose of science is to seek the truth. Therefore, its important to support scientists on both sides of the debate.

Science, by its very definition is designed to progress. We need the best scientists to offer their expert opinions and continually monitor the effects. Yet, when scientists resign from the IPCC and do not offer their valuable opinions to the entire body of research, this is counterproductive. Especially when they are used in the film and taken out of context.

The IPCC is a complicated organization. Agreeing on the complicated science is an immensely difficult task. No one is proclaiming they are perfect. No science ever is, especially within a political arena.

But would I take the report of several thousand international scientists over a few deniers? Yes, I do.

In summary, its important to debate both sides and always add value to the conversation. No one wants to hear a one-sided argument anything except for those already on your side. Don't just preach to your followers, try to engage the rest of society critically, thoughtfully and as unbiased as humanly possible. And this advice goes to both sides.

Have something to say? I welcome all well-researched and credible comments.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Dogs are a PR Practitioner’s Best Friend

I love my dog. Not only does he bring a smile to my face, but he is a constant attention grabber. And with a future in PR, I absolutely love it.

Not only does he sing...

He also catches a frisbee, plays ball and loves to swim, I could not ask for a more perfect ice breaker for environmental issues besides David Suzuki.

Recently, during this year’s Earth Hour, Trigger was a huge hit to gather people’s interest in the Clean Train Student Coalition. Random people snapping pictures of him and trying to read his shirt was priceless.

Getting petition signatures for electrification of the Union-Pearson extension was not a problem, as long as people could pet him!

Which brings me to an interesting ‘a-ha’ moment.

In a world full of connection through technology, social media and the internet, we sometimes forget the face-to-face opportunity staring right at us.

We could learn a thing or two at the dog park. Who knows who’ll we meet and when, but being open to the opportunity is the most important step.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Evian Water? No Thanks

After seeing this ad from Evian on my way home the other day...

All I have to say is: Are you kidding me?

It can be argued the key to a consumer's heart is self interest. But this ad made me literally laugh out loud at it. And of course angry enough to write a blog post about it.

Its interesting because the bottled water industry is falling. Perhaps they are running out of advertising ideas?

To put a half naked women on their ad and make us feel like the only thing we care about is our own bodies is a joke.

This is a perfect example of how businesses paint society as only self-interested and self-centered.

Sure I'm health conscious, but there are plenty more important things that I care about!

And what about the other bodies? Take the Aral Sea for example. It's greed and selfish thinking that leads to using resources unsustainably. So stop shoving selfish advertising down our throat! I at the very least, am not buying it!

And if this is where Evian is going next with its advertising...

Then I'll take it! This doesn't make me want to buy anything. But it doesn't make me angry either.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Can Social Media Save Ford?

Until the past year, Ford has been on a sales decline.

With a poor reputation in a market full of low emission vehicles, Ford needed to promote their new Fiesta to Gen Y. A group that has not established brand loyalty....yet.

So Ford decided to forgo traditional marketing. Translation = No paid advertising!

...and a grassroots social media campaign was born. The new Ford Fiesta was promoted by giving the vehicle to 100 social “agents" and having them promote Ford’s new vehicle through several social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, blogs, video and pictures.

This was a perfect fit for targeting millennials, an emerging audience that PR needs to be careful with. Check out my about post about Blogger Relations and Gen Y.

So obviously Ford did its homework. Selecting 100 people from various backgrounds with already well established social networks was key to its success.

Did it pay off?

Well in the first 6 months of the campaign according to Mashable,

-There was 4.3 million YouTube views
- 500,000+ Flickr views
- 3 million+ Twitter impressions
- 50,000 interested potential customers, 97% of which don’t own a Ford currently.
- Ford sold 10,000 units in the first six days of sales.

No doubt a huge success, but can we trust the content? Or is it just sponsored conversations?

Looking for more? Check out Lauren's, Shelley's, Hayley's, Owen's and Sabrina's blog posts on Ford's corporate social media campaign.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Why Toronto Needs a Makeover

Dear Toronto,

I enjoy many things about you! Your exciting nightlife, the diversity of the people...and of course I love your recycling program!

But you need a major overhaul.

Your dirty, smog-creating, noisy diesel trains running through my neighbourhood is driving me crazy. Now you tell me you are going to run over 450 trains every day?!

Although Toronto is considered Hollywood North, we don't want it ending up looking like L.A. on a smog-filled day...

Why go diesel, when we can go electric? Let's mirror the other hundreds of cities that are doing so already, including Seattle, Calgary and Vancouver.

Electric is in!

Come on Toronto, be the city I know you can be.

Help advocate for clean trains! Visit here.

Friday, March 12, 2010

This Blogpost = 1 Planted Tree

This blog post is Carbon Neutral.

carbon neutral offers and shopping with

An interesting concept, great PR tactic.

How does it work
? A company out of Germany is planting a tree if you include a blog post about their initiative. Then email it the link to your blog post, and presto! It will plant a tree on your behalf to offset your greenhouse gas emissions created by blogging.

Although not the answer to all of our climate change problems, carbon offsets are one of the many of tools in the toolbox we can use.

Why Go Carbon Neutral?

1) In many cases, it's impossible to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions to zero.

2) You can help support renewable energy projects.

3) Lots of people are doing it!
Movie Studios

But always remember:

Don't purchase carbon offsets if you can spend the money on decreasing your emissions!

Be weary of anyone who just takes the business-as-usual approach to climate change.

Interested in learning more? Check out this.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

I Wish Every Day was Bottled Water Free Day


Today is Canada's very first Bottled Water Free Day. But don't you wish every day was Bottled Water Free Day?! I do!

In light of this special day, here are the top five reasons why you should stop buying bottled water:

1) There is a global water scarcity. It takes between 3 to 5L of water to produce 1L of bottled water.

In Canada, we are not immune to water shortages. But we are a net exporter of bottled water. So why are we allowing the sale of our water, a precious resource that we are fortunate to have?

2)Bottled water contributes to climate change. Its transportation and manufacturing produces large amounts of greenhouse gases.

This is especially true for Fiji water.

It is estimated that the manufacturing and transport of one kilogram bottle of Fiji water consumes 26.88 kg of water, 1L of fossil fuel and emits 1.2 pounds of greenhouse gases.

3)Bottled water is filling up our landfills. Anywhere from 50-80% of bottled water is NOT RECYCLED.

Have you seen the many Brita commercials? It takes millions of years for one bottle of water to break down in a landfill.

4)Bottled water is not safer nor cleaner than tap water.

Tap water, unlike the bottled water industry, is tested more stringently and more often. The bottled water industry is only paying big bucks to make you think it's more clean. Some bottled water has been known to be just regular tap water!

Think DASANI...

5)Access to clean, safe water is a right. Supporting the bottled water industry allows them to privatize water and with only a select few who profit.

Do yourself a favour. Make the pledge: I will not drink bottled water!

And check out this amazing video on the Story of Bottled Water!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Establishing My Green Personal Brand

My career aspiration is to work for an environmental organization in their communications department. But several questions cross my mind as to how I'm going to get there.

How can I promote myself as someone who cares about and is knowledgeable about our environmental problems? How can I prove that I am familiar with Canadian public affairs? Or that I can effectively use social media?

The answer: My Personal Brand.

My online presence and reputation will establish myself as a go-to resource for green information. It will reveal my professionalism and credibility as a Green Twenty-Something.

Check out my slideshare presentation on the details of my personal brand plan and how I am going to get there.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Is Blogger Relations the New Media Relations for Gen Y?

Are you Gen Y?

We're born in 1980 and later. We spend our time online and love watching TV. We trust our closest friends for advice. And we certainly don't tolerate slow applications. Blatant advertisements make us want to puke.

And guess what....we now outnumber the baby boomers.

We are in fact PR 2.0's best friend.

So as a PR professional entering the PR 2.0 world, why bother with traditional media outlets to get your message across to Gen Y?

Why not use blogger relations?

- online is where the audience is
- blogging allows users to comment, opening up the lines of communication
- third-party credibility is huge for Gen Y (since we don't like experts!)
- if we can get it on our phones, you're set

Change is good. Loose the fear, and dive in PR professionals. Put the public back into Public Relations!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Bloggers Push Climategate Scandal into Deeper Crisis

Blogs allow anyone to be an expert on anything.

But what happens when non-experts call themselves experts and argue against one of humanity's biggest problems?

Bloggers like Stephen McIntyre and Marc Morano are enraging the scientific community, and for good reason. They are two of the most prominent climate change skeptics who use their blogs to persuade the general public that climate change is a hoax.

The fact is: there is a overwhelming consensus among the scientific community that human-made climate change is real and it will have effects on humanity for centuries to come.

There of course will always be those "other" scientists who will continue to argue that climate change is a hoax. Think of those doctors who for the longest time kept denying that cigarettes caused cancer.

...and then comes the Climategate scandal.

Now, climate change skeptic blog websites are increasing traffic and audience sizes, according to an article in The Globe and Mail. This isn't helping the IPCC's already damaged reputation.

To those of us who have been taught in university to be critical of sources of information, it's a no-brainer. Why believe someone with a blog with no credentials versus a peer-reviewed scientific journal?

But for the rest of society, they may not understand the science behind climate change. Some won't care to ever know. So surely, they won't wait around for a peer-reviewed report. They'll be on the lookout for a persuasive blog with lots of followers whose authors claim to be experts in the field.

Doesn't there lay danger in the general public accepting truth and accuracy in social media? Can we really trust something you just googled...and non-expert blogs who can use SEO?!

Update: March 2010

Fortunately, it appears that climate change supporters are not letting the skeptics get the most of them online or offline. Al Gore, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 with the IPCC, has begun to work PR magic in response to the Climategate scandal.

On February 27, 2010 he wrote an editorial piece in the New York Times. He says, "After all has been said and so little done, the truth about the climate crisis–inconvenient as ever–must still be faced."

Although not completely gone, the Climategate scandal has been watered down in the past few months. For now, it seems that people may be able to accept the fact that science is not perfect.

There will likely always be two sides of this debate. Take a look at my post about my thoughts on The Great Global Warming Swindle , a film created by climate change skeptics.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Why YOU Should Use Slideshare

Social media is more than getting the most friends, followers or hits from others. If you are thinking it's only for posting drunk pictures of yourself or telling your mom when you got laid, you need a reality check!

Check out Slideshare. It's a free way to target professional audiences. Think LinkedIn, but for presentations and documents.

For example, Slideshare is one way for not-for-profits to communicate their crucial messages, and look more credible doing so. Check out Danielle Brigida's profile, as the Social Media Outreach coordinator for the National Wildlife Federation.

Maybe that's what I love about it the most. Slideshare is one way green information is being shared! Check out these fascinating Slideshare presentations on a few of the most imperative environmental issues we are facing today:

-climate change;

-rainforest deforestation; and

-loss of biodiversity.

There are a million other fascinating topics you can share and search for if you give Slideshare a try!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Save the Prius!

Dear Toyota,

Your PR campaign for your recall crisis sucked. But who really cares about the RAV4 crossover, Corolla, Matrix hatchback, Avalon, Camry, Highlander crossover, Tundra pickup and the Sequoia SUV?

Now you tell me there is an issue with the beloved Prius?!

If you send Jim Lentz to do another terrible video, a little part of me will surely die.

But seriously, your crisis management needs some serious work. So you're going with another recall...

Well, at least you've done the first step right, telling us the problem has been fixed.

And maybe things won't turn out so some people are now more interested in purchasing the Prius.

Either way, you need to work harder than you did for the first recall.

The Prius is an important green icon and I want it around to stay!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Goodbye Dirty Electricity, Hello Samsung

I am impressed with Dalton McGuinty. I don't say this very often. I distinctly remember cursing his name as he made the dreaded announcement that his government was going to push back the closing date for Ontario's coal-fired power plants by seven years.

But alas, I can tolerate him lately! Heard about the Samsung deal?

The Ontario Liberals have created a joint venture with Samsung to bring 16,000 green collar jobs to the province. Manufacturing plants for solar and wind power equipment will be established.

Yet this deal has already had its share of criticism. But it's a clear step towards implementing the Green Energy Act.

It will create thousands of jobs. It will power up to 580, 000 homes. It will invite further green energy businesses to Ontario.

And as one journalist explains, "The days of cheap, dirty electricity are coming to an end. There's no way around it."

So, for those of you crying over increasing electricity prices, shut up already. Suck it up and pay out your $1.60 per year increase. Come on, it's one coffee per year!

Pay attention to the greater good. We all need increased investment into renewable energy now.